Brochure: Integrated Device Services

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Expecting the best from employees requires them to have the right tools to do the job. Determining what technology each employee needs and that they receive it when they need it, no matter where they are, is a logistical headache.

Plus, you need an airtight system to track and manage all the IT assets to protect your investment, ensure data security, and meet compliance requirements.

If you’re like most IT teams, there are higher-level initiatives that need your time and effort; and spending time to manage these devices and all that goes with them is not an efficient or strategic move.

That's why we've created turnkey solutions shipped directly to your employees from our state-of-the-art facilities. It helps you augment capacity, streamline logistics, eliminate additional shipping costs, and deliver a seamless employee experience with pre-configured, ready-to-perform products.

This brochure will help you understand our Integrated Device Services, why they are beneficial, and what is involved in this solution.

In this brochure, you will learn: 

  • more about our Integrated Device Services

  • why you would use Integrated Device Services

  • how our Integrated Device Services address 6 essential aspects of IT asset management

You don’t have to go it alone. Compugen’s Integrated Services helps you set up and integrate all hardware into your infrastructure, removing the burden of device management. So you can focus your IT resources on higher-level strategic initiatives, making operational costs more efficient.

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Topics: Modern Procurement, Integrated Device Services

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