Our History

From a small operation in Toronto to a US business supporting clients in over 35 states and 176 cities, we've come a long way.



Our History Is Unique

We take pride in our history of working with some of the best brands in the industry: Cisco, HP + HPE, Microsoft, and Lenovo.

Humble Beginnings 1981

Harry Zarek develops an interest in computers while finishing his PhD in physics at the University of Toronto. He starts a business building PCs in the basement of his Toronto home and calls it Compugen, short for computer generation.

Compugen Doors Open 1989

Compugen buys a Compaq reseller in Ottawa and turns it into the first branch office.

Between 1989 and 1998, branches open in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Montreal, and Quebec City.

Software and Finance 2007

Compugen Inc. builds a software team, adds a financing and disposition arm (Compugen Finance Inc.), and introduces its award-winning Green4Good program.

Rising To the Top 2009

Service800 recognizes Compugen as one of the world’s top service providers, and Compugen is listed as 1 of 8 top companies from around the world.

Welcome to the USA 2015

Compugen Systems Inc. opens its first US location in Houston, Texas.


Humble Beginnings 1981

Harry Zarek develops an interest in computers while finishing his PhD in physics at the University of Toronto. He starts a business building PCs in the basement of his Toronto home and calls it Compugen, short for computer generation.

Compugen Doors Open 1989

Compugen buys a Compaq reseller in Ottawa and turns it into the first branch office.

Between 1989 and 1998, branches open in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Montreal, and Quebec City.

Software and Finance 2007

Compugen Inc. builds a software team, adds a financing and disposition arm (Compugen Finance Inc.), and introduces its award-winning Green4Good program.

Rising To the Top 2009

Service800 recognizes Compugen as one of the world’s top service providers, and Compugen is listed as 1 of 8 top companies from around the world.

Welcome to the USA 2015

Compugen Systems Inc. opens its first US location in Houston, Texas.


Our History is

Socially Responsible

In the face of adversity, we have seen remarkable acts of courage, compassion, and perseverance. We’ve seen companies creatively transform the way they work, and entire industries pivot to provide life-saving resources to those in need. We’ve watched moms and dads masterfully adapt to working from home, and children worldwide embrace new ways of learning online.

It is our belief and our hope that 2020 will be remembered for more than its struggle but equally for its humility and humanity and for the ingenuity it has inspired.

Like many other companies, we have spent much time reflecting on how Compugen will be remembered. Who we are, what we stand for, and what our legacy will be.

Through the solutions we cultivate, and with the people and practices we employ, we will have a positive, rippling impact on the world around us, each and every day.



Our History is Human

The history of our company is rooted in humanity. Our core values underscore our services. 

We believe in the life-altering power of human ingenuity, and together, we use technology to drive change.

We are a team of knowledge seekers who ask the tough questions, push traditional boundaries, and challenge the status quo by creatively fusing technology with vision and service. 

Our team fosters an environment where creativity replaces complacency, and purpose, impact, and growth are the measurement for all that we do.

We are people first. With humility, quality, and expertise as the foundation for all we do, we unleash the bounds of technology by embracing our service-led culture.

Read More on Diversity + Inclusion


Our Vision is to Redefine the Customer Experience

Through the solutions we cultivate, and with the people and practices we employ, we will have a positive, rippling impact on the world around us; each and every day.

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Innovate. Inspire. Impact.

Change Your World for the Better

We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.