Hybrid IT

Your Journey to and Through the Cloud


The Path to the Cloud is Rarely Linear

There is no one road that leads to the cloud, just as "digital transformation" means something different to every business. Organizational priorities determine whether a private, public, hybrid, or as-a-service approach provides the right pathway upward. Then once you’re there, it’s all about optimizing for maximum capability and control. 


Once You’re in the Cloud, Optimization is Key

According to Gartner, 45 percent of organizations that perform lift-and-shift to cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) without optimization will be over-provisioned by as much as 55 percent and will overspend by 70 percent during the first 18 months.


Innovate, Iterate, Repeat

While cloud-based technology can offer a clear lens into your network and its usage, a trusted partner like Compugen will pair information with insight to help you get the most out of your investment.


You're in charge

The Benefits of Hybrid IT

Think of us as your personal Uber to the cloud. 

A hybrid IT strategy is a best-of-all-worlds approach to managing your application workloads. Its value-driven, letting you choose the right mix of in-house, private, or public cloud services based on the specific business need you’re addressing. And with Compugen, you have a partner in that process. We’ll meet you where you are and get you where you want to go. So, when’s the best time to start? How about now. Whether you’re embarking on a tech refresh, going through a merger or acquisition, or adding a new application or workload to your system —the cloud is at your command. From initial migration through total transformation. You set the pace, you determine the budget, you make the rules.


Save Big

The cloud doesn't require upfront capital cost since capacity is provisioned on demand through usage-based billing.


Scale Fast

From startup to Fortune 500, the cloud offers unmatched flexibility and ease in response to seasonal demand surges and other changing business needs.


Innovate Bold

With access to native cloud features like AI and analytics, your IT team can testlearnpilot, and pivot in real-time, risk-free.


Why Compugen

Every day, we will work to cultivate technology-based solutions that transform traditional customer service into unique human experiences.

By intentionally developing technology solutions as-a-service, we are committed to our vision to make a positive, rippling impact on the world around us.





Let’s turn opportunity into impact

Azure Hybrid IT Offerings

Azure Management

With deep experience in end-to-end cloud management, let Compugen focus on what’s happening now so you can focus on what happens next

Azure Migration

Azure’s cloud-based infrastructure boasts hundreds of features for organizations to tap into. Our migration services will get you up and running and keep you humming, without disruption.

Azure Optimization

We’ll help you unlock the full business value of your investment without overspending.

Azure Security

Multi-layered, built-in security controls and threat intelligence will identify and protect against threats.

Windows Virtual Desktop

Seamlessly migrate your workloads to a fully-featured virtual desktop that grants secure access to authorized users.

Azure VMware

Easily move your VMware workloads to the Azure cloud and instantly boost productivity, elasticity, and accessibility.

Active Directory Services

Single sign-on and multi-factor authentication simplifies and secures access to your applications anywhere and everywhere.

Microsoft Cloud Licensing

As a trusted Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider, Compugen can directly provision, manage, and support your entire cloud experience, giving you one dedicated partner in your business transformation.


Learn more

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Optimize your Hybrid IT Infrastructure

What's Your Cloud Strategy?

We’re here to help you get to and through the cloud.

Connect with the Compugen team if you need help:

  • starting your cloud journey,
  • reviewing your current cloud strategy,
  • controlling your cloud costs,
  • securing your cloud environment, and/or
  • managing your cloud infrastructure.
We look forward to hearing from you.