Flipbook: Build Cyber Resilience + Security in Every Layer

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Defend Your Turf

Compugen Systems + Dell understand the importance of leading the charge in cyber resilience and security and employs a comprehensive playbook to help organizations defend against cyber threats. As the head coach of your cyber security team, we will strategize and design a strong defense to provide security solutions that function as a robust defensive line, safeguarding critical data and systems from potential breaches. These solutions include advanced firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and endpoint protection measures – acting as unyielding defenders, blocking attackers at every turn.

Helping organizations plan their offensive moves against cyber adversaries, Compugen Systems and Dell offer services such as vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. This allows organizations to identify potential vulnerabilities before hackers can exploit them while also constantly adapting to the changing game conditions. We closely monitor the evolving threat landscape, keeping a keen eye on emerging trends and developing innovative solutions to counter new cyber threats. This agility and responsiveness enable businesses to swiftly adjust their game plans and keep their defenses strong.

Additionally, we operate as a skilled defensive backline, offering valuable threat intelligence services. We analyze and share crucial threat information with our customers. This enables organizations to proactively detect and mitigate threats, intercepting attacks before they breach their digital goal line.

With their robust solutions, adaptive strategies, and commitment to education, we help organizations stay ahead in the cyber game, scoring victories against adversaries and ensuring a secure digital playing field.

In this flipbook, you'll learn: 

  • Powering Great Offense through Great Defense

  • Intrisic Security By Design = Defense from Every Angle

  • Protecting Your Team is a Group Effort

  • How Compugen Systems + Dell are Here to Help You Win

Whether it’s zone, man-to-man, or an all-out-blitz, Dell offers the layers of cyber protection you need to keep your data and identities safe in the myriad of environments you may find yourself. Offerings like Dell SafeData and Dell SafeGuard secure operations and lock down credentials, while Dell’s Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR provides threat intelligence. And Dell’s PowerProtect Cyber Security solution uses machine learning to help you isolate and protect vital information so your business can recover following a threat. 

By empowering employees to recognize and report potential threats, Compugen Systems + Dell help build a cohesive and vigilant team that works collaboratively to protect the organization from cyber-attacks.

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Topics: Security, DellEMC

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Guide: 8 Cybersecurity Trends to Build Your Resilience
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