Security Infrastructure + Cyberattack: 3 Common Questions to Address

March 18 - 2022

Hackers continue to threaten businesses in every industry; upgrading your security infrastructure is no longer an option — it's a necessity. Data breaches have exposed more than 36 billion personal data and contact records in 2020 alone.

If you are confused about what to do and how to secure your business, keep reading. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways you can update your security infrastructure and recover from a cyberattack.


Recovering from a Cyberattack

The impact of cyberattacks on your infrastructure is enormous. Just within the last decade, there have been 11,672 recorded breaches. This statistic means that businesses need to learn how to recover from a cyberattack. If your organization's data has been compromised, it is essential to contain and eradicate the virus at the core and as soon as possible.

  • Start by identifying the scope of the breach and assess the damage that has already occurred. This is essential to planning your next move.

  • Go through your process and identify the necessary improvements required to reduce the risk of future security breaches.

  • For immediate infrastructure disaster recovery, perform full, encrypted data backup and save multiple backups in different locations.

The Importance of Updating your Security Infrastructure

When it comes to infrastructure security, you must start from the beginning, i.e., network security. For your company data's safety, you should require antivirus software that scans the files. Your business also needs to start aggressively applying security updates to the software that has been compromised.Close up of man eye with digital icons

Secondly, ensure that all updates are applied to systems company-wide every 48-72 hours. This will make sure that your business networks are secure and up-to-date. Lastly, it is essential to stage a CI/CD system to test security updates before backing up data on the server to ensure cloud infrastructure security.

Three Common Security Questions to Address

1. Can I secure the infrastructure myself?

The problem with updating your security infrastructure and recovering from a cyberattack is that it requires the efforts of an infrastructure security specialist. Every business needs to hire someone who knows about ITSEC. Even the developers who might have assisted with the infrastructure set-up will not be able to secure it as they aren't aware of the critical details of infrastructure security.

2. Is setting up my security infrastructure a feasible request for my internal team?

Businesses are dealing with unprecedented security challenges. A large organization may be able to establish an entire department of infrastructure security to take care of this situation. But for SMBs, this means exorbitant costs — not only for hiring tech security specialists but also for purchasing and maintaining the required equipment. Simply put, the answer is often yes and now. Having someone dedicated to security for your business is ideal, but giving them deeper technical support from experts and consultants is also advised to e]nsure nothing is overlooked.

3. What's the best way to tackle my security concerns?

Security threats are becoming more sophisticated and targeted with time, so organizations need to double down on their defense strategies. Outsourcing your security infrastructure to IT partners and security experts like Compugen means you have additional support from people who have been in this field and are 100% focused on security prevention, mitigation, and remediation.

Our consultants can start by helping you conduct a vulnerability assessment to identify weak spots and develop a plan to shore up your defenses. Once the program has been finalized, it is time to run Compugen's Cybersecurity Lifecycle Framework (CLF), a layered infrastructure security solution.

This solution guides your business through continuous detection, prevention, analysis, and response to information security threats. Hence, with Compugen's partnership, you can maintain business continuity while we ensure regulatory compliance and bolster in-house security expertise.

Cybersecurity Best Practices for B2B: Final Thoughts

All businesses large and small need to keep their data security up-to-date to stay safe from cyberattacks. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it sounds — and often requires specialist attention. While some companies can afford to hire in-house infrastructure security teams, others need to look for outsourcing options to secure their data while keeping expenditures lower. Get a handle on possible pitfalls and problems lying around your network; get started with a Vulnerability Assessment here.

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